Vacancy Announcement
Position Type: Instructional Student Assistant
Term of Appointment: Academic Year 2025/2026 (Fall or Spring, or both)
Hours of Appointment: up to 20 hours per week
Pay Rate: $17.86/hour
Postions Available: Multiple
Department: The Learning Center
Under supervision, Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs) in this classification perform teaching, grading and/or tutoring duties for the majority of work hours in a given appointment in a given academic department or equivalent administrative unit over the course of an academic term. The work may be performed on-campus or at an off-campus public agency or private non-profit organization under an agreement with a campus in the CSU system. Students applying for ISA positions must be admitted or registered as a CSU student. Academic Student Employees may not concurrently hold a faculty or staff position. Students with assignments in more than one student classification (i.e., Teaching Associate, Graduate Assistant, and Student Assistant) are restricted to working a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year and up to full-time during academic break periods. The 20 hour per week maximum includes hours worked in all positions. See Classification Standards for more information: https://www.humboldt.edu/academic-personnel-services/employee-recruitment/academic-student-unit-11
Job Duties
JOB # 140: Learning Center - Academic Peer Coach
Provide academic coaching to Cal Poly Humboldt students on an an individual basis to address topics including goal setting, time management, planning, encouraging student/faculty relationships, study strategies, and navigating campus resources. Assist coordinator with outreach initiatives, presentations, and creating program materials. Additionally, academic coaches may mentor new coaches. Other duties include greeting students, scheduling, data entry, writing session notes, conducting outreach campaigns, and informing the supervisor of shift changes or other problems encountered.
Regular, paid meetings are mandatory. All academic coaches must attend Learning Center-wide trainings. Academic coaches will be evaluated through supervisor observations. Coaching sessions may be audio/video recorded for training and/or program assessment purposes.
JOB # 145: Learning Center - Writing Studio
Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs) will serve as Writing Consultants and will work primarily in the Writing Studio. They will work one-to-one, in small groups, and/or online with students on academic writing, revising and editing in any subject area. ISAs work with students to identify areas of a piece of writing that would benefit from revision, and assist the student's efforts to strengthen the overall paper, rather than proof-reading or making changes for the student.
ISAs may also be assigned to present writing workshops to peers and/or perform classroom outreaches. They may mentor new ISAs. New and returning consultants are required to attend and complete asynchronous, Zoom, and/or in-person training both before the semester begins and during the semester. Other ISA responsibilities include greeting students, scheduling, data entry, straightening up, opening/closing down Studio, writing post-session notes, and informing supervisor of shift changes or any problems encountered. Duties that enhance the operations of the Studio may also be assigned. They may work in the Learning Center lab when the Writing Studio is closed. Regular, paid meetings are mandatory. ISAs will be evaluated through supervisor observations and evaluation as well as Writing Studio user feedback forms. Writing Studio sessions may be audio/video recorded for training and/or program assessment purposes.
JOB # 156: Learning Center - Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders will lead lead a minimum of two, 50 minute peer-facilitated sessions per week for the assigned course designed to help participants develop course specific academic and study skills. They will share strategies to be successful in the course; answer questions about lecture and reading topics; conduct review activities; give practice quizzes; keep track of attendance and produce attendance reports.
Responsibilities include writing lesson plans for each session that use active learning strategies and posting these plans to SI share drive, and regularly communication with the designated faculty. Attend 1-3 days of pre-semester training and 7-9 meetings/trainings during the semester. SI leaders will schedule follow-up meetings with supervisor after observations, observe another leader leading their session, conduct review sessions-2 of which are open to the whole class.
Leaders will meet with supervisor to discuss performance and returning leaders will "showcase" a successful activity in pre-semester training. There may be 1-3 hours of required reading on effective pedagogical strategies. Embedded Math/Stats SI Leaders attend the core class 2x a week, do an activity 1x a week in class and hold 2 hours of study/tutoring sessions.
JOB # 283: Learning Center - Tutors
Learning Center tutors are hired to tutor specific subjects, on-line or in person, and host weekly tutoring hours. Tutors assist students in finding their own answers to questions and help them learn methods to solve problems independently. In addition, they help students grasp the content of challenging classes and master the skills necessary to become successful learners. Tutors are also responsible for reviewing and understanding the Tutor Handbook, mentoring new tutors, making referrals when appropriate, and ensuring that students sign in/out of the Learning Center properly.
Additional responsibilities include lab maintenance duties, securing equipment, and maintaining regular communication via email with their supervisor about changes or problems. As assigned, tutors may attend course or lab classes for the subjects they tutor and communicate with course instructor(s) to share information about the student experience and student needs, and prepare and coordinate activities to meet instructor expectations.
Special projects may include: collaborating with specific professors to assist with in-class activities, creating and/or conducting presentations, creating and posting Canvas or social media content to promote tutoring, and tracking tutoring techniques used in the lab. Work duties also include attending paid trainings, including a pre-semester training, a mid-semester Saturday training and up to 7 additional one-hour trainings held over the course of the semester.
Minimum Qualifications for this Classification:
Knowledge and Abilities: Instructional Student Assistants must possess the ability to learn and perform assigned work; work cooperatively with faculty, staff, and other students; and accept responsibility. Completion of specific coursework may be required in order to teach, grade or tutor a course. Special Qualifications: Admission or registration as an Humboldt student is required. On-Campus or Off-Campus Work-Study Instructional Student Assistants must meet the eligibility requirements of the Federal Work-Study Program, as determined by the campus' financial aid office. Note: Exceptions to the minimum eligibility qualifications may be granted at the sole discretion of Cal Poly Humboldt.
Department Hiring Criteria
JOB # 140: Learning Center - Academic Peer Coach
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION: Must be a sophomore or higher standing, in good academic standing; positive faculty recommendations. Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively with students of diverse backgrounds and learning needs are essential. Must possess initiative, dependability, and prior experience in assisting students.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Preference is given to applicants who can work in-person and on campus and to applicants with a broad knowledge of learning skills; preference for applicants studying human service related fields including Education, Psychology and Social Work. Work-study eligible students strongly encouraged to apply.
JOB #145: Learning Center - Writing Studio
Students must be in good academic standing and have completed first-year composition courses or equivalent with a grade of B or better. Students must have demonstrated a high level of writing competence as verified by recommendations from prior employers or faculty members and/or writing samples.
Priority is given to applicants continuing employment who have demonstrated their ability to work effectively with diverse students and faculty on campus (supported by faculty/supervisor and Writing Studio user evaluations and observations) and who demonstrate professionalism, engagement, and growth. Hiring priority will be given to STEM majors and to students who are able to conduct Writing Studio consultations in both Spanish and English (verbally; not in writing).
For first-time hires, priority is given to students who have at least one academic year left at Cal Poly Humboldt.
JOB # 156: Learning Center - Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader
Must have a grade of B or better in assigned course and be in good academic standing. Must be recommended by a faculty member for solid content knowledge as well as exceptional ability to communicate such content with others. Applicants must complete the Learning Center application in CHRS Recruiting (PageUp) and successfully pass the interview process.
JOB #283: Learning Center - Tutors
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION: Must be a sophomore or higher standing; B's or better earned classes; positive faculty recommendation for tutored courses. Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively with students of diverse backgrounds and learning needs are essential. Must possess initiative, dependability, and an interest in assisting students. Math tutors must have demonstrated knowledge of pre-Calculus, earned a B or better in either Calculus I or STATS 109.
PREFERRED QUALIFICIATIONS: Preference given to applicants who can work in-person and on-campus and to applicants with a broad knowledge of learning skills, and tutoring/teaching experience. Work-study eligible students strongly encouraged to apply.
How to Apply and Contact Information:
Please submit the follwing application materials via CHRS Recruiting (PageUp):
- Resume
- Learning Center Application (complete in CHRS Recruiting - PageUp);
- Current Unofficial Transcripts; and
- Writing Sample (for Job#145 - Writing Studio) only.
Please direct any questions pertaining to this position, the Learning Center, or Cal Poly Humboldt to:
The Learning Center
Cal Poly Humboldt
Email: learning@humboldt.edu
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Availability of positions are contingent upon departmental need. Early response is encouraged.

See more photos at Cal Poly Humboldt’s Flickr page.
Notice: It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide complete and accurate employment information. A background check must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position that is designated as sensitive under CSU guidelines. The background check will include, at a minimum, a criminal records check. Certain positions may also require a credit check, motor vehicle report, and/or fingerprinting through Live Scan service. Adverse findings from a background check may affect the application status of applicants or continued employment of current CSU student workers who apply for the position. All CSU employees are obligated to respond to and report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The successful candidate for this position will be mandated to receive relevant training on an annual basis. The person holding this position is considered a ‘mandated reporter’ under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment. Cal Poly Humboldt is a Title IX/Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, medical condition, disability, marital status, protected veteran status, or any other legally protected status. If accommodations need to be made during the recruitment and interview process, please contact Human Resources at (707) 826-3626 or hr@humboldt.edu